Braces Bunch

What is The Braces Bunch?

An FAQ about the Bunch:

(Started in April 2007, we send smiles across the miles!)

  • What is The Braces Bunch?
    We are a group of bloggers who also send snail mail support to each other.  Nothing fancy–just a simple note, postcard or letter. It offers an extra pick me up on really tough days, something other than bills and pizza fliers, and an overall sense of connecting with others

  • Why is it called The Braces Bunch?
    You can read the original post here to find out!

  • Who can join?
    Anyone who likes snail mail! There is no application process–my goodness, we have enough stress to deal with in the IF journey. We have had as few as 5 members and as many as 45! As of 2012, I passed on the reins of the Bunch to a dear friend, Suzy. If you have any questions, or want to join, please email her: notafertilemyrtle at gmail dot com

  • What about remaining anonymous?
    A lot of us blog behind a persona so that we aren’t found by those we deal with on a day to day basis–so there is a protected Braces Bunch blog that keeps all info private and you share what you want to share.

  • Why should I join the Braces Bunch?
    Other than connecting with and receiving support from amazing women in the blog-world and Twitter, you will find yourself protected by Ninjas, consuming a large quantity of wine & margaritas, and even getting tattoos with people you met online! *gasp* And you thought Derby Girls* were tough chicks….

*Let me be clear, I have no ill-feelings towards Derby Girls. I actually want to be a Derby Girl. It’s on my Bucket List.