Hi there-it's been a while! I've dusted off the cobwebs around here, and with my fireplace and cup of peppermint tea keeping me warm, and my adorable fur-baby sleeping (err, make that snoring) next to me-seems like a good time to sit down and have a chat!
A belated happy holidays to all! I am sorry that I was not around to be more of a shoulder to lean on, or to rejoice happy news with you. I will make my absence explanation short and sweet: I got what I wished for. (see: holiday sizzle)
Along with the sizzle, I needed to focus on our relationship and live outside my head. I tend to live inside my head a lot when I blog--not that it's a bad thing, I just needed to have some serious couch* time with Mook. More about this in a bit...
A huge thank you for the immense support I received with the CD! I had so much fun getting all the orders together, and the sweet comments have really touched me. We are so very humbled by the support we have gotten through this community. I am excited to say that the CD sales paid for our round of FET medication! THANK YOU SO MUCH! We are truly grateful for all of the support! Our hope is that you will enjoy the tunes for many holiday seasons to come!
So, with only days to go until 2008, I didn't want to leave 2007 behind without saying a respectful farewell. Needless to say, it hasn't been my favorite year, but there has been a lot of good that has gone along with the not so good--and I don't want to reflect back on this year and see all sad. So let's just get the sad/bad/mad out of the way, shall we?
- We found out on January 19th of this year that we would face big obstacles in having a child without medical assistance, due to male factor infertility
- We struggled with our relationship for the weeks following the diagnosis-learning to deal with the cards we had been dealt
- In March, our hearts were heavy after the failed IUI
- I had a tough battle with pneumonia in April
- My eggs turned a year older in May
- Our hearts were even heavier after our first IVF/ICSI didn't give us a BFP in July
- A close family friend passed away in September
- I contracted MRSA in my blood-draw spot from the IVF
- *Mook and I had some serious couch time this month
Enough sad/bad/mad. The good:
- We found out on January 19th of this year that we would face big obstacles in having a child without medical assistance, due to male factor infertility. We had an answer!
- I grew closer to my husband in the weeks that followed our diagnosis.
- I started this blog and became connected to so many fantastic people
- We vacationed in Las Vegas!
- The Braces Bunch was born!
- I celebrated another year of life
- I recorded my first CD
- We vacationed in the Florida Keys/Disney!
- We had 3 embryos to freeze!
- I got to meet some great bloggers
- We took a much needed break from pills/shots
- I recorded my 2nd CD!
- I celebrated the holidays with sizzle, good food, friends and family
Oh, and it's CD 1. Start thinking thawing thoughts for us, please :0)