Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Brought to you by the Great Blog Cross Pollination: Transitions

As part of the Great Blog Cross Pollination, a wonderful mystery blogger
has taken over the Jeans blog today!
Enjoy her post, and see further details at the bottom of the post!


Five months into motherhood and my mind is still stuck in IF land. Transitioning to a 'motherhood after IF' blog has been challenging. IF shaped me into the woman I am today. It taught me to be a better wife; a better communicator. It taught me to not take life for granted. It's time I put that behind me and focus my energy (what little I have) on exploring the life of a blogging mama.

Over the past couple of months I've considered taking a blog hiatus. I've even started a post about it. Apparently I have more to say because I haven't finished it. This community supported me when I had no one else to turn to. And now, as I'm off on this new adventure, I'm going to need all the help I can get! Hopefully I'll be able to return the favor and offer support to those still working towards building a family

I've been a "mama" for a while. Not technically a human baby mama, but just as important. (In my humble opinion.) My first nephew/Godson was born eight years ago. I experienced many firsts with him. He lives next door and I've been blessed to be close to him and watch him grow. A few years later we adopted our furbabies. Some people don't believe that you’re a mom when you have furbabies, but I whole-heartedly disagree. Bringing them to their forever home was life changing! We quickly discovered that we need them more than they need us. They taught us how to love unconditionally and to not take life so seriously. They greeted us at the end of each day to soothe our sorrow and mend our hearts. So, you see, my transition into motherhood has been a gradual one. My blog is still just trying to catch up.

When I started blogging I was eager to grow and learn from each post I wrote. I wanted to expand my knowledge of IF as a woman in a MFI marriage, and most importantly find peace with the challenge we were facing. I've mostly written about our struggles. My tone has been serious and sorrowful. It doesn't reflect my personality at all.

As a wise blogger (insert hyperlink: recently said, many new IF moms and IF pregnant ladies feel like "their lives are lived with one foot in each boat, like each one is somehow not true." I want to start paddling the other boat. I need to let go of the past, focus on parenting, help support those still struggling to build a family and continue to search for serenity in life and motherhood.

Now that I've given myself a pep talk, I guess this is the time. Time for a fresh start. Time to revamp my blog and start writing about my life as a new mama.

Strapping on my life jacket and starting up the motor!


Who do you think took over my blog today? And boy, what an awesome post she wrote. Something I can totally identify with....

So, before clicking here to see who cross-pollinated with me, take a stab at guessing who the blogger is in the comment section, as well as leaving her some love about her post! You will also find me over in her space.

Also, take time to go here to see the entire list of Cross-Pollination bloggers!


  1. Good luck with the fresh start. I definitely struggled with getting both feet in the same boat. And just when I thought I might be there, one foot seems to be jumping back.

  2. What a wonderful, heartfelt post. I think many of us (mothers, mothers-to-be, infertiles, writers, working moms, SAHMs, etc.) struggle to find our identity, both in real life and in the blogging world.

    I know that not having an identity (I don't really fit in with mom blogs, infertility blogs, SAHM blogs OR working mom blogs) has made it hard for me to get a foothold in the blogging community.

    Thank god for wonderful people like JJ, who sees beyond blogging borders. :)

  3. Making the transition from infertility to parenthood can be hard even when you suffered through secondary infertility. Great post.

  4. excellent post!! can't wait to see who wrote it!!

    because I suck at guessing...

  5. I understand, mystery blogger.

    I feel the same.


  6. This post resonates so strongly with me. I feel like I still identify mostly with miscarriages and loss than with being a baby mama.

    I've been a fur-baby mama for a while and you are so right - just as important!

  7. love the post, I Still feel the same way and my kiddos will be two in a month. IF never really goes away, but it does give you some gifts that are not all bad , like the ones you talked about.


  8. Good one on Reproductive Jeans - it helps a lot!

    We clearly share similar parenting experiences and views.
    I've been reading one that I'm hooked on -
    I have a feeling you'd get a lot out of it.

    Incredible job on your blog; keep it up.


  9. I know my blog is also taking a big turn from talking about IF as we're officially done having children, so I really relate to this post. We've finally added our twin boys to our 9 year old daughter and have decided that after 10 years of IF treatments (on and off) and holistic treatments of IF we're calling it done at three children. My blog is now more to talk about parenting twins and enjoying our family life. Enjoy your little one!

  10. I know i'm weeks late in reading this post. I've just sat down for a bit of a catch up.
    I've taken a step back from my blog, not because I've given up on my blogger friends, but because i've really been struggling on what to post and how to say it.
    Your guest blogger really found the words for how I feel. I knew I wasn't alone, but have felt very alone in the shoes I now stand. I need to post something to that intent.
    I'll check out who posted and follow her. I also still follow you, my dear, when I check in.
    I LOVE being a mum but am definitely still infertile too and hurt when every one of my local mum friends announces pregnancy 2.
    This is turning into a post - perhaps i'll cut and paste it onto my blog!
    Seasons greetings and may 2010 be good to us and our boys! xxx


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