Thursday, June 30, 2011

New Jeans

A new space.

A new journey.

Same girl, same passions, same name!

I just needed a new pair of jeans.

I’m sure you can understand….as much as you love that worn in pair of “these fit me just right”, it also feels really, really good to find a new pair of jeans that gives your rear-end an extra lift and keeps that muffin-top tucked in.

I’m definitely in that jean-stretching phase in this new pair; this new space. I need to get comfortable in them. I hope you’ll stick around to tell me my ass looks great.

Thanks for coming over to this new space–take a look around! I had this image of myself standing at the “doors” of my blogspot site and giving this heartfelt farewell speech. That space will always mean so much to me. It’s where I found my blogging voice. But I started that blog at a specific time of my life, and now….well, things have changed. And there is so much more to my life.

This goes without saying I will never forget the community where I found a home. Infertility/family building will always be something I talk about, support and strive to teach others about.

But since I’m not sure I will ever be in that phase of life again, I need to open the windows and doors to the idea of being able to embrace life in the moment I’m living; to be thankful for the little miracle we were blessed with and cherish every moment with him. And of course….blog!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Random Fact Friday: Carladderaphobia

Do you have Carladderaphobia like me? It's my made up word for the fear of driving behind a truck with a ladder attached to it. Gives me the heeby-jeebies!

*Feel free to share your own RFF on your blog; please just reference Random Fact Friday @ Reproductive Jeans*

Friday, June 17, 2011

Random Fact Friday: Careful Steps

I will not walk on any street grate or air vents in the sidewalk. *creeps me out*


*Feel free to share your own RFF on your blog; please just reference Random Fact Friday @ Reproductive Jeans*

Friday, June 10, 2011

Random Fact Friday: Sleep Timer

I like to fall asleep with the TV on--bless the invention of sleep timer! But the funny thing is: even though I'm not necessarily watching, the channel must be set to something I would enjoy watching while awake.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Random Fact Friday: Pluck It

The only place I shape up my eyebrows is in my car using my visor mirror. Natural light works wonders.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: In Need

(originally taken the night I started bleeding from my hematoma)

In need of holding onto
"Praying Man"