Friday, May 18, 2012


All birthday’s are special. I’m feeling especially grateful for mine this year…and since I’ve always loved the song, “32 Flavors” (Alana Davis or Ani DiFranco’s rendition), I thought I’d share 32 tid-bits of wisdom from my 32-year-old heart, mind and soul.
  1. Buy multiple pairs of underwear you like – you never know if they will get discontinued
  2. Invest in good pillows
  3. Wear sunscreen
  4. Never pass up an opportunity to pee
  5. Chill your wine
  6. Put on extra zit cream and leave it in a glob on said zit overnight – may not be pretty, but it works
  7. Wear your seat-belt – or as O-man calls it, “Your backseat”
  8. Learn to communicate with your loved ones
  9. Always carry a tampon
  10. Don’t be afraid to fail
  11. Love yourself deeply
  12. Forgive others
  13. Forgive YOURSELF
  14. Blog even when you don’t feel like you have anything to say
  15. Find your perfect shade of lip stick
  16. Write thank you notes
  17. Read outside of your comfort zone
  18. Try new foods
  19. Learn to love and abuse the SAVE/Backup option for any technology you own
  20. Never take a laxative and sleeping pill on the same night
  21. Always use a turn signal
  22. Ask for help
  23. Treasure your genuine friends
  24. Thank your mother – often
  25. Color sort your M&M’s
  26. Even when you don’t know where you’re going – know where you’re NOT going
  27. Don’t use Facebook as a way to gauge your success in life
  28. Recycle
  29. Clean your kitchen before going to bed
  30. Don’t worship the scale
  31. Music is magic – it can lift you from the deepest, darkest corners
  32. Take the high road

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