Friday, January 11, 2008

All about the buttox

One of the greatest lines from one of my favorite movies, Forres.t
"Oh, yes sir. Bit me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars."
I think of that quote every time Mook comes at me with a needle. All this IF stuff can cost a pretty penny, AND the reward (in theory) is obviously worth even more than a million dollars, but like Forrest: I'm still waiting on that end prize....

And as of this morning, I have a million dollar wound on my right cheek. Prog. injections began last night--so that leads me to tell you that my monitoring appointment yesterday went really well.
My lining at day 14 was 13.6--my fav nurse said that they consider anything at 6 good, so my lining got an A+! And to me the best news was that I had no cysts--so thankful for that! She was pretty sure based on my lining that all the hormones would check out OK--and I had to wait until the end of the day to find out! Oooo agony! My prog level was 0.27, so I definitely had not ovulated. My estridol was 427--and I forgot to ask if that was good, but she didn't indicate otherwise, so there ya have it.

Transfer will be on Wed. the 16th at 11AM. Please, pretty please, I ask for your prayers and thoughts for a good thaw! We have 3 on ice, and I would be so grateful if all 3 made it...that is what I am most anxious about right now. Hoping that I don't get a call that we have to all positive thoughts from here on out--will ya help me? Annnnd, since Chas reminded me that its another de-lurk day, I could use all the positive feedback as you can muster! Won'tcha be my neighbor by de-lurking?

So back to the buttox...actually 2 buttoxi (sounds like a good plural version to me)...Mook and I have been spending more time focusing on our couch time--this involves us taking our buttoxi to sit with a counselor. We made the leap-a leap that was a tough place to get to, but I honestly can say that after only one session with her, Mook and I have changed our conversation habits for the better. I am SO thankful for that. I don't think we, as couples, realize the FULL impact infertility can have in all areas of our relationship--and things have surfaced that we may never have had reason to talk about otherwise, so it's amazing how Mook and I are trying to strengthen our relationship in all areas. The past month was tough, ladies and gents. We needed some major re-adjustments, and I am happy to say, we are definitely on our way...

One more butt-related note. Mook is a tiny bit out of practice when it comes to jabbing my love, this is for you--If you need to print it out and bring it home for tonight's jab, by all means!

And the thought that will continue to go through my head for the next 2 1/2 weeks, is something Mook said to our fur-baby last night: "Mommy's gonna get pregnant next week..."


  1. Not lurking :) Ah, the joy of sore buttocks. Good luck with thaw and transfer, sounds like things are on a good track.

  2. Hoping and praying for you my friend!!!

  3. I'm not a lurker, but I thought I'd say hi!

    Good luck with the thaw, and you'll be in my prayers!! I consider my hubby a pro at giving shots since he gave them to me for about four months straight w/ our fresh cycle, and then again w/ the two frozens...and he still gets nervous every time.

  4. Sorry about the target practice on your bum. That's not fun. Hope you have a great weekend. And p.s., I'm stealing your delurking picture, hope you don't mind. :)

  5. Warm (thaw)ts coming your way. Oh that was hokey, I know. Good luck!

  6. My prayers will be sent your way! Glad everything checked out well at your visit. I didn't realize everything would be happening so soon!

  7. I hope transfer goes really, really well!

  8. i am sending warm, good thawing vibes and prayers to you and those 3 lil embies (and your buttox)

  9. I'm crossing my fingers for the thaw for you. Good luck!!!

  10. Sending you lots of good thoughts!!

  11. Crossing my fingers and toes for you.

  12. Gotta love the sore buttocks! Mine is still a bit sensitive form all the shots!

    I'm hoping all 3 survive and at least one decides to make your ute home! Best of luck!!

  13. I have oodles of hope for some nice thawing snowbabies....and a wonderful transfer. I can't wait to hear some good news from you.

  14. Hoping all 3 frosties thaw nicely and then burrow in for the long haul (okay, maybe not all 3 burrow in, but you get the idea!).

    Sending lots of good thoughts to you and Mook!

  15. Glad things are going well! Crossing everything I have for ya! And those little eggies better be good and thaw!

  16. Praying for your frosties, and for your marriage to keep growing stronger!

  17. What a fantastic lining! Waiting for the thaw is so nerve wracking. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that all 3 make it and that at least one decides to stick around for the long haul. Good luck!

  18. Yey for good couch time! And prayers sent on your behalf for all that's to come!

  19. Wow, Mook's comment got to me. I love it when people innocently voice their real inner feelings when I'm feeling doubtful. without realizing it they help me to relax and realize that it really could all be OK!

  20. I'm praying so hard for you girl!

    Love the insight of what is to come with the progestrone shots. I'm trying to catch up with you and hopefully we can go threw our pregnancies together.


  21. Let the good vibes begin! Looks like you are off to a good start, too!

  22. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  23. I wanted to wish you and Mook luck...Good Luck!

  24. Cute bullseye.

    De-lurking. Wishing you the best of luck!

  25. Hoping for the BEST for you, and will pray!

  26. With all of my heart, I wish you the best of success with the transfer. You desrve it!!!

  27. Sorry about the sore buns!

    Thinking of your frosties enjoying a nice thaw. I see them sitting on a beach, just chilling, until they're ready to move into their permanent home.

    Best of luck with tonights shot and the transfer!

  28. ++++++++++positive thoughts are with you JJ++++++++++++++++++

  29. Hooray for you and Mook finding your way to that other couch! It's hard to admit we need help, but it sounds like you're already the better for it.

    Sending you all manner of good thoughts this month with the thaw and transfer!!! And sending Mook thoughts for a steady, sure hand with those shots.

  30. sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes your way - best wishes that everything will go really smoothly!

  31. I hope this is it!

  32. Sending lots of thawing thoughts your way! As well as soothing comforting ones for your sore buns. Best of luck!

  33. Delurking to wish you a great cycle!

    My dh & I went to an infertility counsellor a couple of times at key decision points in our journey, & she was a huge, huge help to us.

  34. I luv that you say buttox like 12x or so here, that cracked me up.

    Thinking very good thoughts for your three in the thaw, and after that:-)

  35. De-lurking to leave you a quick note for luck.

  36. I'm hoping and praying that everything goes well!

  37. I just started reading you. I liked the braces gang stuff. Anyhow we have something in common. I have 3 frozen and am hoping for all 3 to make the thaw and have my FET on Wed. at 11am!?!?!?! How funny is that?
    I just did my first PIO tonight but this time around I got it in ethyl acetate which is thin and I am hoping for less delayed pain and lumps, we shall see.
    Anyhow seeings how we are literally exact cycle buddies I wanted to say good luck!!!

  38. It's just a shame you can't see a nickel of that million dollars either! We all deserve some serious money love for all we go through for our future little ones. Sorry about your bum!

  39. I hope this transfer brings with it a healthy prize at the end! Many well wishes and positive thoughts :)

  40. Rounding up and sending every positive thought I can think of your way. All the best, JJ, with this cycle.

  41. Awww, that Mook is priceless. So sweet. Despite it all, you are a very lucky woman.

    Seeing a counselor through the tough times def helped our relationship. I am so glad you are having the same results.

    And wishing you all the luck in my world for the upcoming transfer this week.

  42. wishing you the most successful thaw...glad to hear that all else is going well -- especially that impressive lining!

  43. I hope for all things good this cycle. That is a nice mantra to think. I like the power of positive thinking.

  44. You WILL get pregnant this next week...a positive mantra by Mook that I hope carries you through this coming week. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  45. Awesome - you have a transfer date...and it's just around the corner. Mine will probably be a few days later - but it looks like we'll be in the 2ww together at some point. Good luck with the thaw...I'll be praying!!!

  46. Looks like you got plenty, but just in case, here's a few more good vibes your way!

  47. I sure hope hope hope you do get pregnant next week! Best of luck!

  48. Im officially de-lurking :D
    Good luck on your FET, I'll be thinking about you.

  49. Hoping and praying for you that you get three beautiful embies and a very successful transfer! :)


  50. Someone needs to invent a special seat with an upper-butt cutout for these times.

    Will be thinking of you this week!

  51. My oh my you're a popular lady!! What a lot of comments you have!

    Praying for you with everything crossed.

    I've not had to do the butt jabs but i've heard they suck. It'll all be worth it....


  52. JJ, I am so excited for you. I'll say tons of prayes. (Maybe three a day). In his own sweet way, that was a nice comment he said to the furkid. My husband tells our furkids what is happening too. It is kind of neat to see how they show their excitement for what is happening also. Glad the couch time is getting better also.

  53. I love that - "Mommy's gonna get pregnant". Awesome.

    Wanna be cycle buddies? I'm transferring on Friday! Yikes.

    Good luck, my friend. All will go well. Glad you and Mook are heading in the same direction...this IF stuff can truly test a person, a couple...but it can make both stronger, too.


  54. I've got everything crossed for a perfect thaw!!!

  55. Good luck! I hope all three are in perfect condition when they've thawed.

  56. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Mook for a sucessful thaw and pregancy!

  57. Thinking of you and sending you allllll my best thoughts.

  58. Two days until transfer lady!!! I can't wait to follow along and see what happens. I have the highest hopes for you this cycle. :)

  59. Good luck on the transfer! Strangely enough, I go in on the 15th at 11 a.m. And we have three frozen ones!

    But wishing you all the best!

  60. My screen saver are the following words: "Think sticky thoughts!"

  61. Wow, you've gotten a lot of comments, girl!

    I'm thinking of you and I'll be rubbing my fertility goddess' belly for good luck!

  62. I'm sending all the positive thoughts I can!

  63. Delurking...Much luck to you! Just to reassure you a tiny bit, we thawed our three embies for our FET last summer, and all three survived the thaw.

  64. Great lining measurement! Praying for your frosties xo

  65. So glad that you are doing well and that you guys are getting to the YOU in this IF thing, it's important, we don't realise how much of ourselves we lose in this process.

    Good luck for you embie thaw and transfer, you know how hard I am praying for you my friend. I sure hope that Daddy's right and that Mommy's gonna get pregnant this week.

    Will be here waiting impatiently for good news. Love and hugs xxx

  66. sending all the best to you and your frosties! I hope the thaw and transfer go perfectly and that this is it for you. I keep hearing how FET can be more effective than fresh in some women. I hope we are those women!

    great bullseye too. my transfer nurse offered to draw one on my bum with a marker (I declined). some literal assvice you probably already know: the ice really helped numb me, and a heating pad for a few mins. after helped too.

  67. Good luck sweetie! I am saving all my positive thoughts for you!

  68. woohoo, congratulations on everything going so well so far!! can't wait to hear...

  69. Yes, do get pregnant next week! That's worth more than a million dollars, IMO.

  70. I hope it all went well JJ. I'm thinking of you.

    As for you and Mook - I'm so glad that things are going well. Infertility is tough but you will both survive this and be closer and stronger for it.

    Lets hope this transfer is the one.


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