Monday, January 3, 2011

the year of truth

Does the new year overwhelm anyone else?

I feel like Im trying to make really big changes all at once, and it makes me a bit loopy. I wanted to make sure the first post in the new year was all shiny and happy, but I realized that wouldn't be staying true to one of my big resolutions:

Be true to myself.

And the truth is, Im still not feeling very shiny and happy. I'm still feeling funky from the ectopic loss, I have the post holiday blues, and Im seriously ready to toss out this bottle of bitter pills Ive apparently been taking every morning.

2011, I'm ready for you. Just be gentle.


  1. Yes - I also get overwhelmed during the new year. Almost frantic for change.

    I've always wondered why I can't be all hopped up to do things at the beginning of each month, instead of once a year. If I had the drive the rest of the year that I did on Jan 1, I'd be unstoppable!!

  2. I like the new year for the whole fresh-turn-of-the-calendar page... but I don't do the whole Big Massive Resolutions and Changes thing. I'm not sure why, I just never have. So maybe I miss out on all the joy of the new, but I also don't hit the anxiety of it either.

    Hoping your heart is healing, sending you some hugs and wine. xo

  3. I'm with you. Please, 2011 be gentle with us.

  4. My husband persists in doing a 'How do you feel about the ending year?' wrap-up every year. That's about all I do to acknowledge the changing of the year, and I find it irritating. I choose to ignore it all, so I don't get overwhelmed.

    Shiny and happy is elusive. Bitter can be longer lasting. Funky comes and goes. Good luck finding the shiny and happy.

  5. I'm a big believer in the idea that feeling the feelings is the only way to get through much as it sucks as you're going through it.

    Thinking of you as you feel it all...

  6. Honey, you be gentle to yourself. You've been through an awful lot lately and feeling a bit funky is to be expected.

  7. Oh honey I hear you. I've thrown out the resolutions for this year and chosen a word I want to focus on this year. I'm sending you hugs and I too hope 2011 will be gentle with us all!

  8. I hear ya1 May 2011 be gentle to us all!

  9. Its understandable that you're still feeling a bit miff... you've had a lot to deal with of late...

    Thinking of you and sending love.


  10. AMEN, I was going to write about the same thing on my blog. That while I have nothing to complain about...I just don't feel like me. I feel doughy and under the I know a cold is coming, but I don't have all the symptoms yet...
    and I miss the holidays, I feel such a letdown this year. I enjoyed them a lot and want to continue to do that.

    I feel you girlfriend. Hoping that 2011 is gentle and wonderful for both of us.

  11. I am feeling the same way. Hoping 2011 is just taking a little time to get started...

  12. I am right there with you, JJ. I hope you can enjoy more of your time in 2011.

  13. You're not alone - either in the feeling overwhelmed by a new year and being in a place where you're Not Okay.

    Hugs to you, sweetie.


  14. It's just a new calendar, not a complete wiping of the slate. I think it's impossible to just wake up and reboot. Especially after what you're recovering from right now... only time and prayer can heal that hurt. And I am so sorry and praying for the pain to leave you. (or at least lessen)

    We all hit "funks" in life. I think it's ok to just sometimes not be a shiny, happy person. You'll come out of it when you're ready.


  15. I'm praying that it's gentle with you too...*hugs* to you guys.

  16. I don't blame you. I hate the new year just for the fact that it's expected that you have to be positive and excited and resolving to do different things. It's not in my nature to be THAT positive. Plus I get said at the end of each year. I don't like change and I grow a bit attached to time.

    Hope you feel better soon my dear! ((hugs))

  17. yes.
    but i have felt overwhelmed in a general sense lately, but haven't quite figured out why.

    i hope the bitter pills hit the road soon and are repalced by nice easy to swallow happy ones

  18. Just now catching up on blogs - so very sorry about your loss. How completely shattering. May this new year be a time of renewal for you.

  19. You're not expected to be all shiny and new on 1/1/11. Take as long as you need honey.

    Thinking of you.

  20. I know what you mean. I remind myself that making goals for the new year doesn't mean that you have to meet them all at once. I hope the funk lifts soon. I think that 2011 WILL be a good year.


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