Monday, August 15, 2011

My Status

There are days that I feel like really telling Facebook what’s on my mind. Doing a full brain-dump to all my friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances…

But I’m just not sure how it would sound, so would you do me a favor and proofread* my upcoming status update for me?

JJ is currently checked in at the Loony Bin with two others.

JJ has poked Karma in the ass.

JJ would like to give everyone an update on how things are going. 2011 has not been the best year for me. It continues to throw some curve-balls and I would like to know when I can take off the catcher’s mitt.

After receiving news earlier this year that I have a type of skin cancer, I am currently on a break from photo-therapy treatments for 3 months. While waiting, I get to spend time dealing with my thyroid, which has basically gone kaput. If the meds don’t keep my cysts and goiters from growing…out comes the thyroid. Not to mention I recently had to have a blood vessel in my whooo-haaaa cauterised. I don’t recommend this.

O-man is 2 1/2. He’s a pure joy! He’s also a challenge, but I wouldn’t trade any moment. Has he pooped on the potty yet? You won’t hear it here, as I am not interested in sharing my son’s bowel movements, nor reading about yours.

Mook continues to travel a lot. That will soon cease for a while when he has major surgery in 4 weeks. Remember all that bad coughing earlier this year? Add that to the never-ending heartburn he’s had since he was 16, and after multiple tests over the past 3 months, he has been cleared to go through a 4 hour surgery to restructure his esophagus and remove a hernia. Trying to control the anxiety I have about this…
I’d really like to have a sibling for O-man–do you know where I can get one without multiple fertility treatments or being told to just adopt?

So that’s what’s on my mind, Facebook. How are you?

*Not that I will really ever post this to FB. But it’s nice to write it out where I know I can just get it out and not feel judged. Things may not be sunshine and roses, but just airing out the hard stuff makes me feel better.

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