2) Did you know when you put the letters L-O-W-E-S and T together, it spells "lowest"?
3) Did you know there is no such thing as a "schedule" when it comes to a small human being known as a baby?
Ahh, it feels good to be writing...of course I have wanted to write every day since this precious little boy came into my life, but he's had me focused 100% on Baby Boot Camp from day 1, and my body has needed my other 100% to recuperate. That's a lot of 100%...
- That first week: I say this with all sincerity-no matter fertile or infertile, it's damn hard. Hardest week I've ever lived through. ALL worth it, but I matured in ways I never knew possible in those first seven days. As I said a few weeks ago, I don't know how I would have had a chance in Hades to make it through without the help of my stupendous mother and loving hubby.
- My boobs as a food source: Ok, I admit it. I had a romantic notion of this whole breast feeding thing. I just figured: how hard can it really be? Ha...ha...ha. Goodness. Of course my milk didnt come in for a good 4 days, due to O-man coming early--so we did have to supplement in the hospital. I saw a lactation consultant each day we were there-we tried the SNS (hooking the small tube to my nipple to get him to latch), different positions, and all that STUFF. He's actually never had a problem wanting to latch or "root" but the little booger is a chewer...and his mouth is still small. Ow. So for the past 3 weeks, I've tried nursing off and on, but it just STRESSES me out each time I think of putting him to my breast...the pain is just so severe. So I've been a pumper. And while its definitely NOT ideal (having to wash bottles and equipment multiple times a day) it does help me a) know how much he's getting, b) lets Mook help and c) I feel like we are bonding BETTER because Im not crying in pain each time he needs to eat. I did go back to a lactation consultant earlier this week--she was very nice, and we tried to come up with a plan. I tried it for 2 days...still not working. Even though his latch felt better, I was STILL having to pump after he fed--I've had no supply issues. I want to be able to give him breast milk for as long as possible...but I think about quitting every time I hook up that freakin' pump. One day at a time for now. She did tell me it was OK to have 1-2 cups of coffee a day, so for that, I will be forever grateful!
- Our lab and O-Man: She's definitely curious! Yet another part of "the book"
that I didn't believe would really be an issue. But...she has since eaten another bar of soap, gone through my trash can, AND gone into the nursery trash can...yea, peanut-butter poop on the couch is not fun to wake up to at a 5am feeding. We will also need to replace our neighbor's swing they let us borrow--on our first outing as a family, little miss lab decided to eat the stuffing. God, I love her-but we don't need a rebellious "toddler" and a baby in the house. The dog crate has made a reappearance, so she will be crated each time we leave now until she starts to RE-learn.
- My recovery: Hard...but each day helps. Im a bit scared about what is going on with my back-so I really hope with time and a good chiropractor that things will start to improve. As of now, I have gone to my acupuncturist and gotten some leg exercises to do to help strengthen my back as well as a needle treatment. Ill be able to see a chiropractor after my post-partum check up in a few weeks. My incision is healing well--I had to sleep in a recliner for the first week and a half, so getting back into bed felt sooooo good. I slept better, and just being next to Mook again was so nice (it had been a LONG time!) I've lost most of the fluid--still cant wear my wedding rings, but my feet are no longer Fred Flinstone size! I am actually back to my pre-pregnancy weight-just holding onto that fertility-treatment weight. I'm not concerned with the weight--this has just actually helped my back a bit more. AND I've shaved one of my legs! Yea, you read that right: just one. I've gotta take it one leg at a time...its taking some time!
- Having an IVF baby in the time of "Octo-Mom": Interesting. I definitely look at O-man and thank God each day for the miracle of IVF and for the blessing he is to us. I just hate that anytime fertility treatments are put in a bad light because of bad decisions and where life is put in jeopardy--these children will be the ones to suffer. I just cant stand the thought of government getting involved...hell, I know that as crazy as it sounds, I wouldn't have turned down having 4-5 transferred (NOT IMPLANTED) back to give us a chance at having Oliver. So I do not condone her life decisions...but I don't want to be judged either for having made my fertility decisions. Just a hard situation...
- O-Man: I love him. Plain and simple, but it encompasses so much. I am amazed and thankful every day: even in the exhausted moments! Not to jinx anything, but he truly is an Oliver: PEACEFUL. He's so good natured. I love watching him...he makes these sounds like Pee-Wee and it just makes me giggle. I may be a terrible mother, but I laugh most times even when he's throwing a fit--not to be mean, but I just love everything about him. Don't get me wrong-hearing a screaming baby can stress anyone out, but I try not to let it get to me. Can't tell what color his eyes will be yet, but they are so inquisitive--he furrows his brow a lot like he's trying to figure out where the heck
he is. He makes this adorable little O-FACE when he's hungry. Mook and I have both been peed and pooped on numerous times, and the worst is when it lands on our face or mouth. Yea. Not pleasant. O-man can poot with such force that it scares HIM. Just makes mom and dad laugh! His cord fell out last Friday, and I cried HARD. To me, it was that last little piece of "something" connecting me to Oliver's birth...and how much that CORD kept us connected--through all the placenta issues. Hormonal much?! He's about 7lbs 4oz and his jaundice is getting better each day. Still has that full head of dark hair! He has yet to be introduced to a pacifier: Im not against it, just nervous that once he has it, he'll need to have it...thoughts?
- Life goes on: It does. And it goes fast...he will be a MONTH next week. There are still bills to pay, taxes need to be finished, sleep needs to be had, meals to be eaten, friends to keep up with. I do a little each day-and try not to let it get to me at the end of the day if I dont get a list checked off. Like this morning: I had every intention of staying up after the 6am feeding to get things done, but Oliver and I ended up back in bed-and slept until 11. And that's OK. I am a person who NEEDS sleep...I cant do anything to change it. No amount of caffeine will ever be enough. So I follow the rule of sleeping when he sleeps as much as possible, and try not to let guilt creep in. A productive day includes doing anything more than just pumping, feeding and changing diapers! Im even trying to have dinner ready when Mook gets home--just call me Suzy. Im also thinking of so many of you out there in blog land: babies due soon, painful times, celebrations, medical procedures, waiting...and I think of you each day. You WILL see my comments of support again soon!
1) We kept a feed-journal for a few days, and in my exhausted state, I wrote boddle instead of bottle-Mook just roared in laughter.
2) There is a new Lowes Home Improvement commercial out, where they are showing the letter "T" after the Lowe's sign, and for the LIFE of me, I could not figure out what the commercial meant--so I asked Mook one night to help me figure it out. Obviously, it spells "lowest"... I think he almost called the doctor--he was a bit concerned. I just felt stupid. Ahh, much for brains
3) O-Man is the boss. There is no longer JJ or Mook control in the house.