I've been in a funk...a pretty ugly one too.
Whenever I tell Mook I have a headache, he immediately says,
"What color is it?" Ever heard of doing that? I say the first color that comes to mind--sometimes its purple with red stripes, yellow with blue swirls, or just plain pink. For some reason, it helps me identify the pain, and the headache goes away faster. Who knows why this works...the brain is a powerful, mysterious machine.
So although my funk is not a headache, it all originates in my brain and the color of this funk is:
black with
grey polka dots.
To battle this funk, I need to clear my brain of thoughts that I might otherwise just keep to myself or feel silly sharing. I was inspired by my friend
spokeit and her honesty. Seems like perfect timing for me to do the same.
1. I take it really personally when a friendship dissolves or seems uncertain. Especially when I'm not sure why. It's happened with blog and IRL relationships recently, and it just stinks.
2. I have such a love-hate relationship with Facebook. It makes me feel great when I reconnect with an old friend, but I hate that most times I log-out feeling like it's one big high school lunch room.
3. I have a new obsession. Chocolate covered marshmallows. These caught my eye in the grocery store the other week, and I convinced myself I needed to try them. I'm embarrassed to tell you I have gone through at least 8 bags.
4. O-man is starting a pre-school program in 3 weeks. I have so many emotions about this. I feel like I'm sending him off to college.
5. I over analyze a lot. A lot.
6. I have let out many heavy sighs over some of my favorite blogs closing, or just not seeing posts anymore. It's like reaching the last few pages of a great book, and you don't want to turn the page because you want to treasure those last words.
7. Speaking of blogs, I am more aware that my blog purpose is changing. Since we are in limbo land as far as what our family plans are, I am now a "Parenting after IF" and general goofy stuff blog. And I'm finally OK with that.
8. I worry about money all the time.
9. I
need to put on my iPod and sing like I'm in the American Idol finale, at least once a week. It clears my head and lets good juju in.
10. I find it easier to talk myself into doing something I don't
want to do, by doing that thing for someone else. Confused? My lab needs to loose some weight--she's been eating too many of O-man's leftovers. But really, I'm the one that needs the exercise. But I get to say she's the one on the Dog Diet when we go walking. Wink, wink.
Whew, I feel better already. The fog is lifting....please feel free to release your funky stuff too. Let it go here, and leave it with my funky stuff.
I enjoyed the time Mook was able to be at home last week--and since I didn't have my surgery, we've been able to cross multiple items off the Honey-Do-House-List. We've made time for some fun things, too: Children's Museum, watching the O-man eat his first Freeze Pop, cooking out and spending time
in those chairs I mentioned!
Gotta sign off--Oman likes for EVERYTHING to be closed these days. No doors are safe, and apparently neither is my lap top....