Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thoughtful Tuesday: a simple reminder

Each Tuesday, I'm going to share something I am either: 
a) thankful for, b) something I witnessed that was an act of kindness, or c) something I did to "pay it forward"

I'd love it if you'd join me. One day a week. One thing. It can take 15 seconds or 4 hours. Don't you feel better when you are able to notice the pretty things in life? Leave a comment here, or share it in your own space, and enjoy being thoughtful...in more ways than one!


This Tuesday: Simple Reminders

I thought I had completely come out of a end-of-summer-time funk...but it turns out it still has been lingering a bit. More on that later....

But even in a funk/fog/bad mood, I really appreciate the small things in life. 

Last week after I had my nerve severing procedure, I got home to these beautiful flowers:

Sunshine from Rotten

And yesterday when I got home from picking up O-man from preschool, the house was quiet....Mook was gone again. We had said our goodbyes earlier during a rushed morning, and I missed him. It made my entire day when I got to the kitchen and saw this yellow-post-it-note:

Love on a post-it

Having even the slightest reminder that someone loves you can make all the difference in the world. 

What are you sharing on this Thoughtful Tuesday?



  1. Post it notes and IMs are the new love notes, aren't they? Beautiful flowers.

  2. What a sweet post and a wonderful surprise from Mook.

  3. Beautiful flowers. Mook is one lucky dawg! And that post-it was precious, he gets an A++!

  4. What a lovely post and lovely reminders...


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