Monday, June 15, 2009

Tweety Delivery!

I credit Mr. Roger's Neighborhood for a lot of my early knowledge, so in honor of Mr. McFeely, the speedy delivery man, I bring you a tweety delivery of today's happenings!
  • Must remember Im not a young chicken anymore. I cant stay up late just 'cause...*yawn* #
  • This is what all of us have been attempting to learn for the past 30 min--quite the scene around Can you? #
  • - This cant be good... #
  • - Night walk on the pier... #
  • And how silly of me to wear a shirt that says PIER...Im reaaal cool! #
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1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I LOVE the sling. Looks comfy and easy to use. I keep trying out different ones (my son is 4 months old).


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