Friday, July 13, 2007

Kashing In...

Oh the mighty dollar. Most of us can relate to how money plays a BIG role in our journey through IF. Whether or not insurance covers all, some, or none of the procedures we all go through, we can all relate to a time in this journey where we wrote a check we hoped would cash...

I'm not a rich person. I could easily be called frugal-I am a bargain hunter! I save pennies for a rainy day. I panic if I can't find a receipt that was for a measly $2 if it throws my check book balance off kilter. I guess you could say I'm a tiny bit obsessive about making sure my money is safe and secure where I need it to be.

But today, I'm kashing in. ALL of it....but not the traditional dollar. I would like to take my life savings in good karma to the Karma Bank and place all I've ever earned onto this one thing. That thing being this IVF cycle we are smack in the middle of.

I am lucky--I grew up with loving parents, good morals and usually know right from wrong. So being raised well, with good morals and usually doing the right thing, you would think I would have mega-bucks to kash in, right? Well, only the One above can tell you that. Not even I know how big a check I am kashing in today. Cause you know what? I sure aint perfect. I've made mistakes, I've made the wrong choice, I've hurt people. So karma has come back to bite me in the butt a time or two, and taken a fair share of dollar bills back with it. So that's when I think, "Hey, I'll throw in Mook's check too!" He definitely has a nice big check to kash---but guess what? He aint perfect either.

So as I approach my final ultrasound on Monday, my retrieval in the days following, the transfer, and the dreaded 2ww, I would like to coast through in peace knowing that my check kashed. We are going to be blessed with a positive outcome because all the good we have ever done will be sending the good karma into our eggs/sperm/blasts/baby....

And I'd like to think I'll have some left over...and what better way to get more good karma, then to share! So if you feel you may need a little extra kash to add to your check, let me know--I'll mail you some! Just "Pay it Forward". Be good to someone today. Do a good deed tomorrow, and before long-you'll have some left over!


Stat updates: Ultrasound on Wednesday showed 11 on one side and 13 on the other with the biggest measuring 12. I still have a few that were under 7. E2 level was 848.

Today showed my right side with about 6 that will make the cut-biggest one being 15. My left side is the big producer. 22 on that one side--about 11 will make the cut. Biggest on that side is almost 16. My lovely nurse said I "was the best scan today" and that I was having a good response--none are under or over performing. I'm still waiting on E2 levels and the remainder of my med protocol. I'm definitely noticing my ovaries--esp my left side, and just feel sleepy...

We are just going to take it easy this weekend--Im going to listen to my low-stress music and rub on my fertility stone from Lara! My favorite aunt sent us a Chinese fertility frog chime--it's hanging on our fan in our bedroom...good vibes! Just so thankful my stress level is remaining low-and hope it continues!


  1. Good luck! Yes, you most definitely have enough good karma kash and then some. :).

  2. Hey JJ, I love the pay it forward attitude! :] I wish more people could feel that way. I know all of us could probably use some good Karma. I wish you the best of luck in your next steps. Everything sounds great so far! Oh yea, thanks for the comment and I look forward to your e-mail!

  3. I definitely need some good karma kash, as I think I must used all of mine up somewhere (or else I must be very bad...), but as my good deed for the day, since nothing's going on with me, I'm sending whatever karma kash I've got to you for your retrieval and transfer to continue to bring you the best of results! It may not be much, but it can't hurt!

  4. You know Lara's stone heart went with me to my IUI and has stayed in my purse in a little white organza bag along with my hawaiian fertility goddess (which has been getting rubbed excessively lately for all the ladies cycling). I carry them everywhere and at night I put them back on my nightstand and think about everyone. Wishing you all the best!

  5. I think you do have quite a karma savings account on your side!

  6. I'm so glad everything is going well. Wishing you all the best in the upcoming days.

  7. Obviously, I don't know, but from what I can tell about you from your blog, you're a very good person.

    I hope, hope, hope that this cycle puts an end to your waiting, but whatever happens, don't forget that you don't deserve infertility. I beat myself up a lot -- even though I knew it was silly -- telling myself that if only I were a better person, it would happen.

    But all your stats sound great. Come on Karma! Do your job!

  8. Great news about the follies! Love the idea of sharing good karma. Thinking of you!

  9. Oh Good luck to you. Your pregession sounds perfect!! Cheers to a low stress weekend! If i hadn't already cashed my karma in this month ofr my bfp, I'd totally give you my portion. I'm still 6 more days out till my 2ww ends

  10. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. What goes around comes around so I really hope good karma comes our way soon.

  11. if only the fertility gods were fair like that. congrats on the great scan!!

  12. JJ,

    All your stats look EXCELLENT! Keep your positive outlook because it makes the stressful process easier to handle.

    Here's to a painless ER and good fertilizing!

  13. Your scan results sound fab! Glad to hear everything is going well. Will do a random act of kindness for you today and send you the karma.

    Fingers crossed.

  14. Yay, i'm glad that your ovaries are working and forming loads of little follies. Have a good feeling about all this, the positive attitude really helps. good luck with the next couple of days!!

  15. I hope tomorrow's scan goes great. You deserve for some of that karma to pay off with this cycle.

  16. Loving the idea. I'm hoping that with Karma Kash you get more than what you pay for too. :)

    Hope all goes well with your retrieval!

  17. Everything sounds good! I'll be thinking of you this week!

  18. RYC: DOn't forget the DIY kit. That must have cost all of twenty quid :/


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