Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tweety Delivery!

I credit Mr. Roger's Neighborhood for a lot of my early knowledge, so in honor of Mr. McFeely, the speedy delivery man, I bring you a tweety delivery of today's happenings!
  • Does it make me a bad mom that I just took batteries from one of O-man's toys so I could play Guitar Hero? #
  • And awwwaaaaayyyy we go! Road tweeting today! #Hilton Head #
  • - Watching the world go by... #
  • Pit-stop at the in-laws #
  • - Not 2 sure about rice cereal. Anyone start by mixing it in bottle first? #
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  1. We didn't end up doing rice cereal before spooning it (abt 4mo with Ava, ended up being more like 6-7mo with Ethan), but my friend did for her baby who had trouble sleeping. She just added a tbsp or two of it in the bottle. Make sure the nipple is faster flowing though, if you do!

  2. Andrew wasn't a real fan of rice cereal in the beginning. It did take several offerings over a couple of weeks before he got really interested. He still eats it about once a day and he's almost 11 months old. Just keep trying to give it a good chance. I seem to recall that Andrew was a bit more interested once we started also giving him a little bit of sweet potatoes or carrots or something like that.

  3. We did rice cereal in the bottles in the NICU, but like Jess said - make sure that it's either a fast-flowing nipple, or cut a small slit in a "1" (or the equivalent if non-Avent nipples are labeled differently). And, as a lesson learned, make sure you mark that one so you don't try to give him straight milk from it later!
    Good luck!
    Also, maybe try playing with the consistency? Thicker or thinner, to see what he likes?

  4. I started K on rice cereal at 4 months and mixed it with pear juice so it was sweet. Also, made it super duper runny - it was basically liquid - but I did spoon it in. Eventually I did it thicker and I switched to formula instead of the juice. I say play around with it, try different things.

  5. We tried rice cereal like twice, then gave up...I think it's just gross.

    We went to single grain oatmeal - mixed with formula/bm.

    I wouldn't put into bottle, becuase the whole idea of starting solids is to get them used to eating with a spoon and swallowing foods thicker than what they normally drink.

    Just keep trying - it took Julian a while to enjoy eating with a spoon.


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