Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ingredients of Schlubfest

Main Entry: Schlubfest*
Variant(s): also shlub \ˈshləb\
Function: noun
Etymology: Yiddish zhlob, zhlub yokel, boor
Date: 2009, 2010
slang : a gathering of pajama-clad women, no makeup, junk food, wine, blogging,
toddler chaos,and more poopy diapers than you could shake a stick at.

Mom's* who are grateful for the toddlers who will surely provide reason for all of the above.
JJ, Rottenstinker, LJ, Somewhatordinary, Cali


  1. Too funny!! Wish I was there, guys! Have tons of fun!

  2. Who's jealous?

    *Raises hand*

  3. seriously???? DONUTS?????

    I am soooooo jealous!!!
    have fun !!!!!

  4. What a perfect definition of Schlubfest. And what a great idea anyway. I'm sure you're having a blast!

  5. I so wish I could schlub with you all. Have a faulous time, like you wouldn't LOL!

  6. Powdered donuts, a bottle of Jack and a house full of toddlers? Who could ask for more?!?!

    I bet you girls had a fabulous time!!


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