Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Shoes

I've waited a long time to see little shoes among the big shoes at our family beach house.

Even a shoe rack makes me appreciate my little miracle.


  1. Think of just how MANY little shoes will be there soon.:)

  2. That picture is soooo cute! I love the sound of that: "little shoes among big shoes." We found Oscar a little pair of Tevas that look just like Darin's. He is so proud to wear shoes like papa.

  3. ok, i've been lurking on your site far too long -- enough is enough.


    i started reading your blog like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back when you were writing with redbook -- and i've been rooting for you and your family ever since.

  4. ahhhhh, yes....that would bring tears to my eyes too. How absolutely wonderful!!!

    it's those times that I know how lucky we have those shoes all over the house, to hear those screams of "MINE" and to feel those hugs and kicks. :)

  5. That's so sweet. I love that picture!

  6. That just brings a smile to my face!

    SO cute!

  7. I had a similar thought this morning when I pulled Miles' shoes out of our shoe tray by the back door...

  8. Love it!

    The constant reminders of gratitude surprise me when I am least expecting it. It is often the simple things of everyday life. The other day my heart melted when I found a pacifer in my purse. I left it even though my kiddos no longer use them because it now belongs.

  9. Many things are like that, aren't they? It's pretty wonderful.

    I got to really appreciate fireworks again for the 1st time this year. I remember now why they are so cool. It's like being a little kid again - wonder and excitement abound, if you'll just take the time to really look around.

  10. YES! I note this every single time I see my little guy's shoes next to ours, too. I never, ever take it for granted.

    He just recently outgrew his first "real" pair -- from when we had him first fitted at Stride-Rite by the lady with the food-measuring thing. I put them away in a box to know doubt cry myself crazy over when he goes off to college.

    Hope you guys have been having a wonderful summer!

  11. AWESOME! I am so happy for those lil shoes in your life! :O)

  12. I'm right there with ya. He's a miracle indeed!! I've looked at all the shoes on our stairs waiting to be carried up, and I've actually thanked God for our beautiful blessings.


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